This article studies the position of two discourse markers, namely palm-up and same, and whether there could be a functional paradigm in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). For this purpose, we present the functions of these two discourse markers in LSC; the segmentation methodology in clauses, basic discourse units and turns, and the possible positions at these three levels. We hypothesize that subjective functions (i.e., related to the signer) will be found in the left peripheral positions, whereas intersubjective functions (i.e., related to the addressee) will appear in right peripheral positions. A sample of 1 hour of dialogues produced by six signers selected from the LSC Corpus was analysed. The results show that palm-up and same appear in different positions. Some functions are predominantly found in a particular position of the clause and the basic discourse unit, whereas other functions have more varied positions. The hypothesis about the peripheries and the type of functions situated in these positions is partially confirmed: most of subjective functions appear in left peripheral positions, but intersubjective functions are not restricted to right peripheral positions.
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