The purpose of this chapter is to address the process of adapting British Sign Language Receptive Skills Test into LSC as well as relevant linguistic, mythological and cultural issues. We carry two studies with 6 deaf informants: the initial vocabulary check (section 1 of the test) and the actual test items (section 2) were analysed with the focus on the suitability of the items, as well as the possible variations in informants‟ responses. The results present preliminary evidence and suggestions for the adaptation. Some accurate indications regarding grammatical questions are also provided to guide subsequent stages of the adaptation process.
Allen, T., y Enns, C. (2013): “A psychometric study of the ASL Receptive Skills Test when administered to deaf 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children”. Sign Language Studies, 14: 58-79.
Baker, A. y Van Den Bogaerde, B. (2008): “Code-mixing in signs and words in input to and output from children”. En Plaza-Pust, C. y Morales-López, E. (eds.): Sign Bilingualism. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Barberà, G. y Quer, J. (2018): “Nominal referential values of semantic classifiers and role shift in signed narratives”. En Hübl, A. y Steinbach, M. (eds.): Linguistic Foundations of Narration in Spoken and Sign Languages. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bellés, R. M., Cedillo, P., González de Ibarra, J. y Molins, E. (2000): “The education of deaf children in Barcelona”. En Metzger, M. (ed.): Bilingualism and identity in Deaf communities, pp. 95-113. Washington, D.C: Gallaudet University Press.
Boldú-Menasanch, R. M., y Quer, J. (2006): “Lexical and morphological resources in the expression of sentential negation in Catalan Sign Language (LSC)”. En Actes del 7è Congrés de Lingüística General. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.
Bosch-Baliarda, M. (2005): The Phonology of compounds in Catalan Sign Language (LSC), Tesis de master, Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Chang, J., Su, S. y H-Y Tai, J. (2005): “Classifier Predicates Reanalyzed, with Special Reference to Taiwan Sign Language”. Language and Linguistics, 6 (2): 247-78.
Cirera, M. y González, M. (2016): “Prova i avaluació de qualitats de la LSC per als nous alumnes”. En VI Seminari de l’LSC. Barcelona.
Cormier, K., Schembri, A., Vinson, D. y Orfanidou, E. (2012): “First language acquisition differs from second language acquisition in prelingually deaf signers: Evidence from sensitivity to grammaticality judgement in British Sign Language”. Cognition, 124 (1): 50-65.
Cummins, J. (2006): “The relationship between American sign language proficiency and English academic development: A review of the research”. Unpublished paper for the Ontario Association of the Deaf, pp. 1-18.
Cummins, J. (1981): “The role of primary language development in promoting educational success for language minority students”. En California State Department of Education (ed.): Schooling and language minority students: A theoretical framework, pp. 3-49. Los Angeles: California State University.
Fernández-Viader, M. P. (2002): “Cambios actuales en la respuesta educativa para los sordos en España: el desarrollo de proyectos de educación bilingüe”. Educativa, Revista do Departamento de Educação, 5 (2): 271-82.
Fernández-Viader, M. P., Pertusa-Venteo, E., Valdespino-Núñez, S. y Pérez-Chacón, M. (2004): “La integración sociocultural de la Comunidad Sorda en Cataluña: Implicaciones en las prácticas educativas”. EMIGRA Working Papers, 80.
Ferrerons, R. (2011): Primer diccionari general i etimològic de la llengua de signes catalana, Girona: Documenta Universitaria.
Haug, T. (2011a): Adaptation and Evaluation of a German Sign Language Test, Hamburg: Hamburg University Press.
Haug, T. (2011b): “Methodological and theoretical issues in the adaptation of sign language tests: An example from the adaptation of a test to German Sign Language”. Language Testing, 29 (2): 181-201.
Herman, R., Holmes, S. y Woll, B. (1999): Assessing BSL development-Receptive skills test, Coleford, England: Forest Bookshop.
Jamieson, J. R., y Simmons, N. R. (2011): “Formal and Informal Approaches to the Language Assessment of Deaf Children”. En The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education.
Jarque, M. J. (2016): “What about? Fictive question-answer pairs across signed languages”. En Pascual, E. y Sandler, S. (eds.): The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction, pp. 171-92. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Jarque, M. J. (2011): “Lengua y gesto en la modalidad signada”. Anuari de filologia: Estudis de lingüística, 1: 71-99.
Jarque, M. J., Bosch-Baliarda, M. y Codorniu, I. (este monográfico): “Recursos de creación de léxico en la lengua de signos catalana (LSC)”. Revista de Estudios de Lenguas de Signos REVLES: Aspectos lingüísticos y de adquisición de las lenguas de signos, Morales López, E. y Jarque Moyano, M. J. (eds.), 1: 53-90.
Jarque, M. J., Codorniu, I., Bosch-Baliarda, M., Fernández-Viader, M. P., García, C., Serrano, E. y Segimon, J. M. (2012): “Procesos de lexicalización en la LSC: procedimientos de combinación”. Anuari de filología: Estudis de lingüística, 2: 141-76.
Jarque, M. J., Lagunas, N. y Vinardell, M. (2017): Els comportaments lingüístics en l’LSC: instrument i estratègies d’intervenció, Barcelona.
Jarque, M. J., Massone, M. I., Fernández-Viader, M. P., Bosch-Baliarda, M. y Segimon, J. M. (2007): “Orden básico de constituyentes en la lengua de signos de Cataluña”. En Actas del VI Congreso de Lingüística General, pp. 1065-74. Madrid: Arco Libros.
Jarque, M. J. y Pascual, E. (2016): “Mixed viewpoints in factual and fictive discourse in Catalan Sign Language narratives”. En Verhagen, A., Dancygier, B. y Lu, W. (eds.): Viewpoint and the Fabric of Meaning: Form and use of viewpoint tools across languages and modalities, pp. 259-80. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Johnston, T. (2015): “Auslan Corpus Annotation Guidelines”. Superseded, 84.
Lara-Escudero, C. (2017): Adapting the British Sign Language Receptive Skills Test into Catalan Sign Language: Preliminary Studies, Tesis de master, Universitat de Barcelona.
Lederberg, A. R. y Everhart, V. S. (2000): Conversations between deaf children and their hearing mothers: pragmatic and dialogic characteristics”. Journal of deaf studies and deaf education, 5 (4): 303-22.
Lenneberg, E. (1967): Biological Foundations of Language, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Mayberry, R., y Eichen, E. (1991): “The Long-Lasting Advantage of Learning Sign Language in Childhood”. Journal of Memory and Language, 30 (1): 486.
McKee, R., Schembri, A., McKee, D. y Johnston, T. (2011): “Variable “subject” presence in Australian Sign Language and New Zealand Sign Language”. Language Variation and Change, 23 (3): 375-98.
Morales-López, E. (2010): “Características generales del bilingüismo inter-modal (lengua de signos / lengua oral)”. En Martí i Castells, J. y Mestres i Serra, J. M. (eds.): Les llengües de signes com a llengües minoritàries: perspectives lingüístiques, socials i polítiques (Actes del seminari del CUIMPB-CEI 2008), pp. 175-88. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
Morales-López, E. (2008a): “La llengua de signes com a vehicle de comunicació i de capital simbòlic”. En Massip, A. (ed.): Llengua i identitat, pp. 29-36. Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Morales-López, E. (2008b): “Sign bilingualism in Spanish deaf education”. En Plaza-Pust, C. y Morales-López, Esperanza (eds.): Sign bilingualism: language development, interaction, and maintenance in sign language contact situations, pp. 223-276. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Morales López, E., Boldú-Menasanch, R. M., Amador Alonso-Rodríguez, J., Gras-Ferrer, V. y Rodríguez-González, M. A. (2005): “The verbal system of Catalan sign language (LSC)”. Sign Language Studies, 5 (4): 441-96.
Morales-López, E., Reigosa-Varela, C. y Bobillo-García, N. (2012): “Word order and informative functions (topic and focus) in Spanish Signed Language utterances”. Journal of Pragmatics, 44 (4): 474-89.
Morgan, G., Herman, R. y Woll, B. (2002): “The development of complex verb constructions in British Sign Language”. Journal of child language, 29 (3): 655-75.
Morgan, G. y Woll, B. (2007): “Understanding sign language classifiers through a polycomponential approach”. Lingua, 117 (7): 1159-68.
Plaza-Pust, C., Gras-Ferrer, V. y Morales-López, E. (2006): “Sign bilingual education in Spain: current issues and proposals for the future”. En Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 8 (TISLR 8). A Coruña: RUC.
Quijo, M., y Viana, P.(2007): Mira què dic: Diccionari interactiu multimèdia, Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.
Sánchez-Amat, J. (2015): Llengua de signes i llengua escrita en la modalitat educativa bilingüe i en la intervenció amb l’infant sord, Tesis doctoral, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Schembri, A., y Johnston, T. (2012): “Sociolinguistic aspects of variation and change”. En: Pfau, R., Steinbach, M. y Woll, B. (eds.): Sign Language: An International Handbook, pp. 788-816. Berlin: De Gruyter.
SignMET (2013): “Report on context analysis – Survey”.
Singleton, J. L. y Tittle, M. D. (2000): “Deaf Parents and Their Hearing Children”. Journal of deaf studies and deaf education, 5 (3): 221–236.
Slobin, D. I. (2005): “Issues of Linguistic Typology in the Study of Sign Language Development of Deaf Children”. En Schick, B., Marschark, M. y Spencer, P. E. (eds.): Advances in the Sign-Language Development of Deaf Children, pp. 20-45. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sutton, V.(1996): SignWriting.
Valmaseda, M., Pérez, M., Herman, R. y Ramírez, N. (2013): “Evaluación de la competencia gramatical en LSE: proceso de adaptación del BSL-Receptive Skill Test (Test de Habilidades Receptivas)”. En CNLSE (ed.), Actas del Congreso CNLSE sobre sobre la investigación de la lengua de signos española 2013, pp. 209-24. Madrid: Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad.
Volem Signar i Escoltar (2017): “Grave situación del alumnado sordo catalán”. BiligSigNews.
Wolbers, K., Bowers, L. M., Dostal, H. M. y Graham, S. C. (2013): “Deaf writers’ application of American Sign Language knowledge to English”. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 17 (4).
Baker, A. y Van Den Bogaerde, B. (2008): “Code-mixing in signs and words in input to and output from children”. En Plaza-Pust, C. y Morales-López, E. (eds.): Sign Bilingualism. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Barberà, G. y Quer, J. (2018): “Nominal referential values of semantic classifiers and role shift in signed narratives”. En Hübl, A. y Steinbach, M. (eds.): Linguistic Foundations of Narration in Spoken and Sign Languages. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bellés, R. M., Cedillo, P., González de Ibarra, J. y Molins, E. (2000): “The education of deaf children in Barcelona”. En Metzger, M. (ed.): Bilingualism and identity in Deaf communities, pp. 95-113. Washington, D.C: Gallaudet University Press.
Boldú-Menasanch, R. M., y Quer, J. (2006): “Lexical and morphological resources in the expression of sentential negation in Catalan Sign Language (LSC)”. En Actes del 7è Congrés de Lingüística General. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.
Bosch-Baliarda, M. (2005): The Phonology of compounds in Catalan Sign Language (LSC), Tesis de master, Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Chang, J., Su, S. y H-Y Tai, J. (2005): “Classifier Predicates Reanalyzed, with Special Reference to Taiwan Sign Language”. Language and Linguistics, 6 (2): 247-78.
Cirera, M. y González, M. (2016): “Prova i avaluació de qualitats de la LSC per als nous alumnes”. En VI Seminari de l’LSC. Barcelona.
Cormier, K., Schembri, A., Vinson, D. y Orfanidou, E. (2012): “First language acquisition differs from second language acquisition in prelingually deaf signers: Evidence from sensitivity to grammaticality judgement in British Sign Language”. Cognition, 124 (1): 50-65.
Cummins, J. (2006): “The relationship between American sign language proficiency and English academic development: A review of the research”. Unpublished paper for the Ontario Association of the Deaf, pp. 1-18.
Cummins, J. (1981): “The role of primary language development in promoting educational success for language minority students”. En California State Department of Education (ed.): Schooling and language minority students: A theoretical framework, pp. 3-49. Los Angeles: California State University.
Fernández-Viader, M. P. (2002): “Cambios actuales en la respuesta educativa para los sordos en España: el desarrollo de proyectos de educación bilingüe”. Educativa, Revista do Departamento de Educação, 5 (2): 271-82.
Fernández-Viader, M. P., Pertusa-Venteo, E., Valdespino-Núñez, S. y Pérez-Chacón, M. (2004): “La integración sociocultural de la Comunidad Sorda en Cataluña: Implicaciones en las prácticas educativas”. EMIGRA Working Papers, 80.
Ferrerons, R. (2011): Primer diccionari general i etimològic de la llengua de signes catalana, Girona: Documenta Universitaria.
Haug, T. (2011a): Adaptation and Evaluation of a German Sign Language Test, Hamburg: Hamburg University Press.
Haug, T. (2011b): “Methodological and theoretical issues in the adaptation of sign language tests: An example from the adaptation of a test to German Sign Language”. Language Testing, 29 (2): 181-201.
Herman, R., Holmes, S. y Woll, B. (1999): Assessing BSL development-Receptive skills test, Coleford, England: Forest Bookshop.
Jamieson, J. R., y Simmons, N. R. (2011): “Formal and Informal Approaches to the Language Assessment of Deaf Children”. En The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education.
Jarque, M. J. (2016): “What about? Fictive question-answer pairs across signed languages”. En Pascual, E. y Sandler, S. (eds.): The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction, pp. 171-92. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Jarque, M. J. (2011): “Lengua y gesto en la modalidad signada”. Anuari de filologia: Estudis de lingüística, 1: 71-99.
Jarque, M. J., Bosch-Baliarda, M. y Codorniu, I. (este monográfico): “Recursos de creación de léxico en la lengua de signos catalana (LSC)”. Revista de Estudios de Lenguas de Signos REVLES: Aspectos lingüísticos y de adquisición de las lenguas de signos, Morales López, E. y Jarque Moyano, M. J. (eds.), 1: 53-90.
Jarque, M. J., Codorniu, I., Bosch-Baliarda, M., Fernández-Viader, M. P., García, C., Serrano, E. y Segimon, J. M. (2012): “Procesos de lexicalización en la LSC: procedimientos de combinación”. Anuari de filología: Estudis de lingüística, 2: 141-76.
Jarque, M. J., Lagunas, N. y Vinardell, M. (2017): Els comportaments lingüístics en l’LSC: instrument i estratègies d’intervenció, Barcelona.
Jarque, M. J., Massone, M. I., Fernández-Viader, M. P., Bosch-Baliarda, M. y Segimon, J. M. (2007): “Orden básico de constituyentes en la lengua de signos de Cataluña”. En Actas del VI Congreso de Lingüística General, pp. 1065-74. Madrid: Arco Libros.
Jarque, M. J. y Pascual, E. (2016): “Mixed viewpoints in factual and fictive discourse in Catalan Sign Language narratives”. En Verhagen, A., Dancygier, B. y Lu, W. (eds.): Viewpoint and the Fabric of Meaning: Form and use of viewpoint tools across languages and modalities, pp. 259-80. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
Johnston, T. (2015): “Auslan Corpus Annotation Guidelines”. Superseded, 84.
Lara-Escudero, C. (2017): Adapting the British Sign Language Receptive Skills Test into Catalan Sign Language: Preliminary Studies, Tesis de master, Universitat de Barcelona.
Lederberg, A. R. y Everhart, V. S. (2000): Conversations between deaf children and their hearing mothers: pragmatic and dialogic characteristics”. Journal of deaf studies and deaf education, 5 (4): 303-22.
Lenneberg, E. (1967): Biological Foundations of Language, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Mayberry, R., y Eichen, E. (1991): “The Long-Lasting Advantage of Learning Sign Language in Childhood”. Journal of Memory and Language, 30 (1): 486.
McKee, R., Schembri, A., McKee, D. y Johnston, T. (2011): “Variable “subject” presence in Australian Sign Language and New Zealand Sign Language”. Language Variation and Change, 23 (3): 375-98.
Morales-López, E. (2010): “Características generales del bilingüismo inter-modal (lengua de signos / lengua oral)”. En Martí i Castells, J. y Mestres i Serra, J. M. (eds.): Les llengües de signes com a llengües minoritàries: perspectives lingüístiques, socials i polítiques (Actes del seminari del CUIMPB-CEI 2008), pp. 175-88. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
Morales-López, E. (2008a): “La llengua de signes com a vehicle de comunicació i de capital simbòlic”. En Massip, A. (ed.): Llengua i identitat, pp. 29-36. Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.
Morales-López, E. (2008b): “Sign bilingualism in Spanish deaf education”. En Plaza-Pust, C. y Morales-López, Esperanza (eds.): Sign bilingualism: language development, interaction, and maintenance in sign language contact situations, pp. 223-276. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Morales López, E., Boldú-Menasanch, R. M., Amador Alonso-Rodríguez, J., Gras-Ferrer, V. y Rodríguez-González, M. A. (2005): “The verbal system of Catalan sign language (LSC)”. Sign Language Studies, 5 (4): 441-96.
Morales-López, E., Reigosa-Varela, C. y Bobillo-García, N. (2012): “Word order and informative functions (topic and focus) in Spanish Signed Language utterances”. Journal of Pragmatics, 44 (4): 474-89.
Morgan, G., Herman, R. y Woll, B. (2002): “The development of complex verb constructions in British Sign Language”. Journal of child language, 29 (3): 655-75.
Morgan, G. y Woll, B. (2007): “Understanding sign language classifiers through a polycomponential approach”. Lingua, 117 (7): 1159-68.
Plaza-Pust, C., Gras-Ferrer, V. y Morales-López, E. (2006): “Sign bilingual education in Spain: current issues and proposals for the future”. En Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 8 (TISLR 8). A Coruña: RUC.
Quijo, M., y Viana, P.(2007): Mira què dic: Diccionari interactiu multimèdia, Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.
Sánchez-Amat, J. (2015): Llengua de signes i llengua escrita en la modalitat educativa bilingüe i en la intervenció amb l’infant sord, Tesis doctoral, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Schembri, A., y Johnston, T. (2012): “Sociolinguistic aspects of variation and change”. En: Pfau, R., Steinbach, M. y Woll, B. (eds.): Sign Language: An International Handbook, pp. 788-816. Berlin: De Gruyter.
SignMET (2013): “Report on context analysis – Survey”.
Singleton, J. L. y Tittle, M. D. (2000): “Deaf Parents and Their Hearing Children”. Journal of deaf studies and deaf education, 5 (3): 221–236.
Slobin, D. I. (2005): “Issues of Linguistic Typology in the Study of Sign Language Development of Deaf Children”. En Schick, B., Marschark, M. y Spencer, P. E. (eds.): Advances in the Sign-Language Development of Deaf Children, pp. 20-45. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sutton, V.(1996): SignWriting.
Valmaseda, M., Pérez, M., Herman, R. y Ramírez, N. (2013): “Evaluación de la competencia gramatical en LSE: proceso de adaptación del BSL-Receptive Skill Test (Test de Habilidades Receptivas)”. En CNLSE (ed.), Actas del Congreso CNLSE sobre sobre la investigación de la lengua de signos española 2013, pp. 209-24. Madrid: Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad.
Volem Signar i Escoltar (2017): “Grave situación del alumnado sordo catalán”. BiligSigNews.
Wolbers, K., Bowers, L. M., Dostal, H. M. y Graham, S. C. (2013): “Deaf writers’ application of American Sign Language knowledge to English”. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 17 (4).