The adjective as a problematic class of words: Diagnosis and analysis proposal from an emergent grammar of discourse
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emergent grammar
cognitive grammar
Argentine Sign Language LSA


In this article, I aim to reconsider a selection of theoretical approaches to the adjective as a word class in three different linguistic families and, then, to present a proposal in which the adjective is analyzed within an emergent grammar approach. First, the analysis show that the adjective has been a problematic category within different (and typically formal) frameworks. Then, I put forward the following proposal: the adjective is not an a priori category, but one that emerges from discourse as a result of the search of communicative objectives by the user of the language. I also discuss examples of Argentine Sign Language (LSA) that show that the adjective category develops in different places of a word class continuum, in which the verb pole and the noun pole are the opposed extremes.

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