Linguistic and pragmatic criteria for the inclusion of the noun phrase in the Mexican Sign Language educational curriculum
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Mexican sign language
noun phrase


This study addresses the relevance of the noun phrase (NP) in the Mexican Sign Language (lengua de señas mexicana, LSM) educational curriculum. The NP, a structure with a nucleus to which specific circumstances can be determined (e.g., quality, quantity, proximity or remoteness), drives sign sequences around a referent. This creates a scheme of greater signed production compared to the signed production derived from the lexicon organized in semantic fields, as currently used in LSM courses and workshops for adolescents and adults. To argue for its relevance in the framework of functional grammar, language pragmatism and the development of narrative skills in learners, 30 NP expressions were collected from six informants (five belonging to the Deaf community and one hearing user, interpreter of LSM and Spanish). We identified two ordering trends: the nucleus with post-nominal adjectivation and the nucleus with post-nominal extension and adjectivation features. The instrument’s design was based on functional grammar contributions, focusing on the concepts of term and predicate in the grammatical subcomponent fund, where the lexicon and lexical rules are located. The results of the measurement and the theory derived from functional grammar on the form and function of the NP allow us to conclude that its inclusion as an item in the LSM curriculum would offer various benefits. These include diverse semiotic perspectives in language management, a constructively organized vision of linguistic contents, the generation of discursive strategies in speech acts and, especially, the development of narrative competences, as demonstrated in experiences with Chilean Sign Language and Argentinian Sign Language. Through a mixed approach of analysis, which included theory, empiricism, and reflection on the relevance of a linguistic item, it was possible to argue the advantages of including NP in the academic planning of LSM courses.

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