Process of creation and implementation of the Haptic system in Spain
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communication system


This article defines deafblindness, describes the most common communication methods, and the main professional figures who work with this group to contextualize and understand the importance of the Haptic communication system for deafblind individuals. It explains what the Haptic communication system consists of and how it allows for the simultaneous transmission of linguistic and extralinguistic information, significantly improving communicative accessibility and inclusion for deafblind individuals. Additionally, guidelines for the creation and implementation of the Haptic System in other countries are proposed, describing the necessary steps and the most relevant aspects of the process, highlighting its development in Spain. In this context, the fundamental role of the Federation of Associations of Deafblind People of Spain (FASOCIDE) and its working committee is emphasized, as they have adapted the system to the specific needs of the country and the deafblind individuals within the group. The culmination of this process is the creation of a guide that includes a glossary of the agreed signs. Practical examples of the use of the Haptic system are also provided, demonstrating its application in everyday situations. Finally, the main conclusions derived from the work carried out by FASOCIDE and its working committee are presented, highlighting the benefits of the Haptic system in terms of accessibility and participation for deafblind individuals.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Rosa Tejado Ocaña, Marta Sieteiglesias Ávila