In recent years, media outlets, including news programmes, have incorporated sign language interpreters into their broadcasts.. However, this has presented interpreters with unique challenges, as interpreting in this field implies some peculiarities and specific difficulties that do not exist in other settings. In this context, and given the lack of research on the subject, the purpose of this study is to explore sign language interpretation in the media. This study also examines the various difficulties that professionals face in their work, and how they deal with them in practice. To achieve this, we conducted an exploratory-descriptive study using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Firstly, we systematically observed the interpretation of ten television programmes on two Spanish media outlets — “TeleMadrid” and the 24h channel of Radio Televisión Española—. Secondly, we analysed the perceptions of fourteen professionals who work in this sector. The main findings of the study indicate that although interpreters encounter repeated challenges while interpreting, there are no standard guidelines to help them address specific difficulties that are unique to this field. Therefore, interpreters solve problems individually and according to the context. It is hoped that this work will generate new lines of research, leading to a more detailed description of the sign language interpretation service in the media. This will improve the specific training programmes for professionals in the sign language field, ensuring a minimum level of quality for deaf viewers and guaranteeing equal access to information.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Laura Loiterstein Lorente, Silvia Saavedra Rodríguez