In Mexico, little has been discussed of the need for university training for professional interpreters in Mexican Sign Language (LSM) - Spanish. This may be due to a lack of information on how the first hearing people informally or almost intuitively became sign language interpreters (ILS), and because the preparation of these interpreters is linked to the religious sphere. In this study, we highlight the work of women in initiating and developing interpreting in LSM within a religious context, and how their pioneering work laid the foundations for the training of other generations of ILS. We focus on the experience of a family- a mother and daughter - who at some point in their lives belonged to the Jehovah's Witnesses. Their approach to deaf and deafblind people in Mexico City led them to learn LSM and be empirically trained as interpreters, to attend to religious and educational aspects. Using a qualitative and descriptive methodology presented as a narrative, we address the role of women in the interpreting profession. We believe that bringing these protagonists to light provides an opportunity for reflection on ILS training. This is a preliminary step to vindicate them, recognise their work and demand social justice for them and for other women who we can support in their current situation by understanding the initial stages of this profession.Therefore, it is necessary to press for university spaces that can prepare new generations of LSM interpreters based on the recognition of the linguistic rights of the deaf community, rather than on charity.
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