The article explores the professional role of the deaf interpreter in Spain, a job that previously was voluntary, and aims to determine whether the transition to true profession has already been made. In Spain, as in other countries, deaf interpreters usually start as volunteers, gaining experience in specific situations that lead them to pursue professional work. To assess the degree of professionalisation of the deaf interpreter profile in Spain, a survey was conducted. The methodology was qualitative, based on a convenience sample of 9 deaf professionals who had worked as interpreters in Spain. The bilingual questionnaire consisted of 23 open and closed-ended questions administered both in LSE (in video format) and in Spanish (in writing), to suit the respondents’ preferences. The survey results reveal that a true professionalisation of the role of deaf interpreter has not yet been achieved in Spain, and it identifies the main obstacles that have prevented this transition from occurring. The article also provides examples from other countries that have successfully overcome these obstacles and achieved the desired professionalisation. Finally, the article concludes with reflections on how to achieve the necessary professionalisation of the deaf interpreter in Spain.
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